Welcome to the home of the OCS API!
What is the OCS API?
The Open Collaboration Services (OCS) API is a standardized REST API specification for a client - server communication to implement the Social Desktop functionality on open source desktops.
It serves as backend of the Social Desktop. Aim of the Open Collaboration Services API (OCS API) is the integration of web communities and web based services into desktop and mobile applications. It's free, open, scalable, secure, privacy protected and vendor independent. It was designed by openDesktop.org and was defined as an independent standard by freedesktop.org. Therefore everyone is encouraged to integrate OCS API on his website. If you have questions concerning OCS feel free to contact us.
Where can I find the OCS specs?
The API specs can be found in the freedesktop.org wiki.
OCS 2.0 draft 1 can be found here.
Is the Open Collaboration Services API already somewhere in use?
- openDesktop.org: Digital content such as apps or artwork, information about events and friends nearby a user can be fetched from openDesktop.org's sites
- ownCloud.org: An open source self hosted cloud service.
- Midgard: The content management framework is OCS compatible
- forum.kde.org: The offical KDE forum and its content is accessible via OCS (currently still in development)
- MeeGo garage: The offical MeeGo Application repository is using MeeGo for browsing and installing of applications (currently still in development)
Great. And how does the Social Desktop relate to OCS?
The Open Collaboration Services API is the backend of the Social Desktop. Everyone can become a provider and key enabler of the Social Desktop by implementing OCS on his own site.
I have a question! How can I contact you?
If you have questions or criticim concerning the Open Collaboration Services API feel free to contact us.
Frank Karlitschek (frank at karlitschek.de)
Further information
- Information about the Social Desktop integration into the KDE Desktop on techbase.kde.org
- Information about the further KDE integration on dot.kde.org
- There is a mailinglist for the KDE specific topics of the Social Desktop integration: social-desktop@kde.org